martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

Listening Skill

As everybody knows, listening is the ability to interpret messages in the communicative process. When we are listening to somebody we must be focus on the sspeaker, trying to be concentrated on the messages that are being communicated.
An effective listening involves observing body language.
Listening and hearing are totally different; when we listen we need more than our ears, we must be focus on the movements, gestures, etc that the speaker does to transmite the message;on the other hand, hearing just refers to the sounds that we hear.

There are many activities to develop and to improve listening skill; one of them could be using a radio, put one of your fingers on the pause button and play the audio, pause it when you need it and repeat some words you hear, do this activity as much as posiible, it would help you to improve it.

When you find a particuular word or sound that causes you trouble, go back and practice it several times. Just listen to the shorter parts of the audio; you would be able to say each phrase more naturally. Wen this appens it's tme to increase the challenge for this skill.

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