domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015



I don’t know about you, but I think one of the most successful ways of learning a foreign language is through a funny and interesting way in which you could feel comfortable and focused without the obligations and demands of being in a classroom. VOSCREEN.COM is a very useful tool for those who want to learn English all around the world. YES! Not only for Spanish speaking countries, but also for other fourth-teen countries with different language speaking. Before using this tool you will have to choose from the language box option identified with the icon in the toolbar on the head of the website.

VOSCREEN comes with a variety of functions in the case you are a person with a good background about the language or in the case you think you need support, in the option identified with the icon in the toolbar in the head of the website you can choose the level of difficulty according to your English background. Also, if you want to practice any specific structure related to English grammar, you can click in the same option and choose the structure you want to practice with.

You can sign up if you want or just to see how it feels, you can play as a guest. If you sign up, you will be able to monitor your progress and your scores, etc. You can also edit your profile and upload a photo. And so you can connect through your Facebook or Google account.


Well, it’s very simple. You watch a really short extract from visual media (film, series, ads, etc.) and choose from two options the correct transcription; this puts into practice your listening and reading skills. When you start using this tool, you will notice that the video is covering most of the screen. After you press the play button, you watch the short extract around five seconds. You can watch it again if you like. You will notice that at the end of the video, there are two ad boxes in which you will chooseif you are sure about responding without captions, and if you are not sure of what they said, and need the captions.

After, you choose one, you will be shown the transcripts. If the video you watched is in the target language, the transcript will be in your mother tongue and vice versa. You’ll notice that on the right, there’s a timer counting down from 15 seconds. The quicker you answer the more scores you can get. If your answer is right, the box will turn green, if wrong then red. After 15 seconds, the correct answer will be revealed if you don’t click on anything.

This tool is recommendable to use only as a way of practicing in order to be always in touch with the target language, in this case, English language.


The developers apparently didn't want to leave any missing aspect behind, VOSCREEN also allows you to download an app in the case you want to play it whether in Android or IOS devices. Only by clicking the options identified with the iconsin the toolbar you will be able to download the free applications for your smarthphone or tablet.

So, what are you waiting for? Go to and learn English in a very useful and funny way!

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