domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


What happened with education in Venezuela? We have always said that education begins at home; so many people are born in a place surrounded by cultured and well-educated people and also have the opportunity to receive a full or decent education, but what happens in the case of many children born in poor areas where parents have not received a good education? What kind of education will they receive? What can they learn from their parents if they have had no education? In this case it is when the professional teacher education plays an important role, because the teacher will guide the student to the future. But what is the purpose of all this? We are educated and prepared to live in a society full of discrimination, we are prepared to live in a place where you have to survive. Then we are as trained dogs to follow others; because I cannot see any other way. We spent half of our lives studying and then working on something that has nothing to do with what we studied. Where are we going with all of this and what is the future that waits the new generations of children?
okay let's talk about what we all want to talk, I think we should attach primary education to secondary and reduce the years of study keeping only the basics and adding programs to work in agriculture and produce our own food, because here in Venezuela there is so much land and so many resources but we do not take full advantage. Today our country is going through one of its worst moments in terms of food, then as a child without good nutrition may develop intelligence to learn the necessities to live in this place.

Moreover are we studying English, because we like and some others because there were not many options. Each with their reasons, but the goal of this project is to teach English in the best way and adapt to each stage of the student. Today the English language is the most commercial and we can help much in terms of travel and business with foreigners. The English language is just a bit of education.

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